Privacy Policy

What is the Privacy Policy?

This Data Privacy Notice / Policy describes the categories of personal data Cheltenham Scouts process and for what purposes.

Cheltenham Scouts are committed to collecting and using such data fairly and in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), and Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018), the UK law that encompasses the GDPR.

This Privacy Notice / Policy applies to members, parents / guardians of youth members, volunteers, employees, contractors, suppliers, supporters, donors and members of the public who will make contact with Cheltenham Scouts or engage with our premises.

Who we are

Cheltenham Scouts are registered to the Charity Commission under the name Cheltenham District Scout Council (Registered Charity Number 1021577). Cheltenham Scouts is part of The Scout Association (Registered Charity Number 306101).

The Data Controller for Cheltenham Scouts is the District Trustee Board who are appointed at an Annual General Meeting and are Charity Trustees. The Chair of the Charity Trustees is Sarah Hick. From this point on Cheltenham District Scout Council will be referred to as “we”.

Being a small charity, we are not required to appoint a Data Protection Officer.

We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (Certificate reference ZB670448)

The data we may process

The majority of the personal information we hold, is provided to us directly by you or by the parents or legal guardians of youth members verbally or in paper form, digital form or via our online membership system Compass. In the case of adult members and volunteers, data may also be provided by third parties, such as the Disclosure and Barring Service. Where a member is under the age of 18, this information will only be obtained from a parent or guardian and cannot be provided by the young person. We may collect the following personal information:

  • Personal contact details such as name, title, address, telephone numbers and personal email address – so that we can contact you.
  • Date of birth – so that we can ensure young people are allocated to the appropriate Section for their age and that adults are old enough to take on an appointment with Scouting.
  • Gender – so that we can address individuals correctly and accommodate for any specific needs.
  • Emergency contact information – so that we are able to contact someone in the event of an emergency.
  • Government identification numbers e.g. national insurance, driving licence, passport – to be able to process volunteer criminal record checks.
  • Bank account details, payroll information and tax status information – so that we are able to pay any staff that might be employed by us and collect gift aid from HMRC where donations are made.
  • Training records – so that members can track their progression through the Scout programme or adult training scheme.
  • Race or ethnic origin – so that we can make suitable arrangements based on members cultural needs.
  • Health records – so that we can make suitable arrangements based on members medical needs.
  • Criminal records checks – to ensure Scouting is a safe space for young people and adults
  • Images via closed circuit television – for crime prevention purposes.

The lawful basis by which we process your data

We comply with our obligations under the GDPR and DPA 2018 by keeping personal data up to date; by storing and destroying it securely; by not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of data; by protecting personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure and by ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect personal data. In most cases the lawful basis for processing will be through the performance of a contract for personal data of our adult volunteers and legitimate interest for personal data of our youth members. Sensitive (special category) data for both adult volunteers and our youth members will mostly align to the lawful basis of legitimate activities of an association. Explicit consent is requested from parents/guardians to take photographs of our members. On occasion we may use legitimate interest to process photographs where it is not practical to gather and maintain consent such as large-scale events. On such occasions we will make it clear that this activity will take place and give individuals the opportunity to exercise their data subject rights. We use personal data for the following purposes:

  • to provide information about Scout meetings, activities, training courses and events to our members and other volunteers in Cheltenham District.
  • to provide a voluntary service for the benefit of the public in a particular geographical area as specified in our constitution
  • to administer membership records
  • to fundraise and promote the interests of Scouting
  • to manage our volunteers
  • to maintain our own accounts and records (including the processing of gift aid applications)
  • to inform you of news, events, activities and services being run or attended by members of Cheltenham Scouts.
  • to ensure and evidence your suitability if volunteering for a role in Scouting
  • to contact your next of kin in the event of an emergency
  • to ensure you have and maintain the correct qualifications and skills. We use personal sensitive (special) data for the following purposes:
  • for the protection of a person’s health and safety whilst in the care of Cheltenham Scouts
  • to respect a person’s religious beliefs with regards to activities, food and holidays
  • for equal opportunity monitoring and reporting
  • to protect the security of our premises.

Our retention periods

We will keep certain types of information for different periods of time in line with our retention policy. The Scout Association’s policies can be found at which includes the Data Protection Policy, the Privacy Policy and the Data Retention Policy.

Young people and other data subjects

We will normally only share personal information with adult volunteers holding an appointment in Cheltenham Scouts.

Adult volunteers

We will normally only share personal information with adult volunteers holding appropriate appointments within the line management structure of The Scout Association for the Cheltenham District as well as with The Scout Association Headquarters as data controllers in common.

Cheltenham Scouts Website

The Cheltenham Scouts website is operated and provided by the Gloucestershire County Scout Council (Registered Charity Number 302129).


Provider Cookie(s) Information
Cloudflare __cfduid This technical cookie is strictly necessary for the safe operation of the website and is used for security purposes operated by Cloudflare. You can learn more about these cookies here. Learn more about the Cloudflare Cookie Policy which can be found here.
YouTube   Occasionaly we embed videos using YouTube. We strive to minimise the impact of this by enabling YouTube’s privacy-enhanced mode by embedding videos from By interacting with this content, cookies may be set by YouTube. Learn more here.

If you wish to prevent the use of cookies by Cheltenham Scouts, or other websites, you may configure the behaviour of your browser. Information and instructions can be found on websites, such as, or in the user guide of your browser.

Third Party Services

We use:

  • AWS to host our website content and to serve our website content to your browser when you access it.
  • WordPress to build and update the website as necessary and is stored statically on the server.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions regarding this policy you may contact us using the information below or by email to the data handling team (including the data protection officer)

Data Protection
Cheltenham District Scout HQ
Brooklyn Road
GL51 8DS

How to complain

If you have any concerns about our use of your personal information, you can make a complaint to us at
You can also complain to the ICO if you are unhappy with how we have used your data.

The ICO’s address:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Helpline number: 0303 123 1113 ICO website: